Delivering Fluid Sealing Solutions Since 1972

Bespoke Kit Branding & Packaging

Pick – Pack – Label

Many years ago M Barnwell Services took up the challenge to provide a solution for customers who wanted our products but packaged in their own brand -Bespoke Kit Branding Packaging.

With industry-leading technology and a dedicated facility at our HQ in Birmingham, we developed a customized packing solution for our customers to huge success.

Our Pick – Pack – Label service takes out the time consuming and expensive activity of assembling kits from your process, while also freeing up space at your premises. From product sourcing, right through to delivery (you or the customer) you receive your very own branded product.


Bespoke Kit Branding Packaging – How we do it


Tell us which products you need and we will supply them from our current stock, source it from manufacturers or create it on our own SealMaker Machines.


Our dedicated Pick – Pack – Label facility contains an extensive range of efficient and economical automated assembling machines to create kits in a variety of bags and containers. These include polybags, shrinkwrap cards, blister packs, selection boxes and other industrial strength boxes.


Customised packaging solutions to meet your brand requirements are developed by our in-house packaging design team. Everything created is in your brand image and agreed by you.

Once your order is complete and ready to go we can make the delivery to either you or the customer to suit your own or their schedule – where you want them and when you want them.

To find out more about how our Pick – Pack – Label (Bespoke Kit Branding Packaging) service call: 0121 429 8011 or email

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